
All about my working life

M y    w o r k    p l a c e   I n   c y b e r s p a c e


Welcome to Andrew's work space



I'll be uploading my resume here in the next few days.

Some projects that I am working on right now.

Some Javascript examples that you may find useful.

Some CSS examples that may work for you too.

There are many things that we can do, but few that we call a true vocation.

I work for the City of Austin as a Network Administrator. It is a job I enjoy, and the people that I work with are not just really good people they are supportive too of my desires and and abilities.

I am a very lucky man.

I am still not sure exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Although I am looking forward to going back to school when the family and I return to Australia and become a teacher of technology.

The other thing I love apart from my work is writing and creating.

I write for all the reasons that I feel someone ought to write. Because you are driven to do so. Otherwise why would you be doing it?

There are some links on the left there for you to look further into. If you think that I might be a good match for you and your company, then

Thanks for dropping by.

All rights reserved. Copyright © 1992- Andrew Martin